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Surf Forecast - North California

5 Day Surf Forecast

Forecast Updated:
Sunday, March 23, 2025 2:43 PM

Surf Scale: 3 ft = waist high, 4 ft = chest high, 5 ft = head high, 10 ft =double overhead
Swell Direction is direction swell is coming from. 90°=East, 180°=South, 270°=West, 360-0 = North

North California Surf Forecast
(Centered on San Francisco)
Day Trend Wind
(Swell Number, Swell Size & Period, Arrival Time and Profile)
(Set wave max face height)
Swell Direction

Up some

NE 1-5 early 1st Japan swell 4.1 ft @ 14 secs early 5.5 ft 305 degrees

Up some

NE 1-5 early 1st Japan swell fading from 4.3 ft @ 12 secs early
2nd Japan swell building to 3.4 ft @ 16-17 secs later
5.0 ft
5.5 ft
300 degrees
300 degrees

Up some

NW 1-5 early 2nd Japan swell 4.5 ft @ 15-16 secs early 7.0 ft 300 degrees

Up more

W 10 early 2nd Japan swell fading from 4.1 ft @ 13 secs early
Possible local swell building to 10.8 ft @ 15 secs later
5.5 ft
16.0 ft
300 degrees
290 degrees

Down some

NW 5+ early Possible local swell fading from 9.5 ft @ 14 secs early 13.0 ft 290 degrees
Up some --- A gale developed off Japan and Kamchatka tracking to the North Dateline Mon-Wed (3/19) with 30-37 ft seas aimed east. Swell fading some on Mon (3/24). Another gale formed off Japan tracking to the Dateline region Thurs-Sat (3/22) with up to 37 ft seas aimed east fading in the West Gulf on Sun (3/23). Swell arrival on Tues (3/25). A local gale to form off North CA on Wed-Thurs (3/27) producing up to 33 ft seas aimed east. Another is to be right behind on Sun (3/30) producing 25 ft seas just off Cape Mendocino.



Surf Height Animation: Northeast Pacific - North CA - Central CA
Wind Animations:
US West Coast - North CA - Central CA
Local Model: Surf - Wind


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