Send all Comments, Inquiries, Advertising Queries or other Requests via email to:
We try to r.cgiy to all emails, but due to the large volume received, it sometimes takes us a while to respond. Please do not be disheartened, we read all your comments normally within 24 hours. In your email title,.cgiease indicate that it is related to Stormsurf (e.g. Stormsurf Inquiry). Just like everyone else, we get bombarded by spam. Those emails with no title or ones that are so generic that they could be spam will likely get sent directly to the recycle bin.
Links to Your Site
Unfortunately we do not swap links or provide a links page. We receive emails daily asking us to swap links with many sites, but the amount of effort it would take to maintain such a page on Stormsurf would detract from out ability to provide new and exciting forecast and weather content.