The Jason-3 satellite measures significant wave height accurate to within 4.2 centimeters. When that data is overlaid onto the Wavewatch 3 wave model, one can determine the accuracy of the wave model. The satellite may not pass over all areas for all time periods. Because we are using the quickest available Jason-2 data source, only gross error checking is performed so the altimetry data is inherently 'noisy'. All available altimetry data points are plotted and scaled using the models color scheme (in feet).
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Jason-3 Images
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(west to east) |
Latest Data |
192 hr archive |
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00Z |
06Z |
12Z |
18Z |
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Global View |
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Atlantic Ocean |
North Atlantic |
Gulf of Mexico |
Tropics (Full) |
Northwest |
Europe |
South Atlantic |
Southwest |
Southeast |
Pacific Ocean |
North Pacific |
Japan |
Northwest |
Northeast |
Tropics (West) |
Tropics (Central) |
Tropics (East) |
South Pacific |
Southwest |
South Central |
Southeast |
Indian Ocean |
Indian Ocean |
Southwest |
Southeast |
Available Jason-3 data overlaid onto WW3 hindcast images as soon as model data posted.
Additional altimetry data posted on subsequent WW3 runs.
Images archived into Adobe™ Flash animations once daily (about 04Z).