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Indian Ocean
This page provides links to all the custom powertools used by Stormsurf for the Indian Ocean.
About Powertools & Links |
Automated Surf Forecast
Automated Surf Report
Current Weather
- Indian Ocean Powerview
- Detailed QuikSCAT Winds for the South Indian Ocean (Ascending Orbit) Powerview
(Descending Orbit) Powerview
- JASON/ERS-2 Indian Ocean Sea Height Altimetry Powerview
Surface Level Pressure (SLP) Forecasts
- 5 Day Southern Hemisphere MRF Surface Pressure from NCEP GRADS COLA/IGES Powerview
(Includes: 00hr, +24 hr, +48 hr, +72 hr, +96 hr, +120 hr)
- 5 Day Africa Surface Pressure MRF from NCEP GRADS COLA/IGES Powerview
(Includes: 00hr, +24 hr, +48 hr, +72 hr, +96 hr, +120 hr)
- 5 Day Australia Surface Pressure MRF from NCEP GRADS COLA/IGES Powerview
(Includes: 00hr, +24 hr, +48 hr, +72 hr, +96 hr, +120 hr)
- More Powetools available from FNMOC (see the table below)
Wave Models
Images From NOAA OMB
WaveWatch III Wave Model
(Wave Height and Period in 12 hour increments from -12 hrs thru 72 hrs and +84 hrs thru +120 hrs) |
Indian Ocean Powerview Long-range Powerview
Images from Scripps Research Institute
WaveWatch III Wave Model
(Wave Height and Period in 12 hour increments from 00 hrs thru +72 hrs and +84hrs thru +120 hrs) |
Indian Ocean Powerview Long-range Powerview
Images from Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC)
WAM Overview Images
(Significant Wave Height in 12 hour increments from 00 hrs to +144 hrs) |
Indian Ocean Powerview
WAM Regional Images
(Significant Wave Height in 12 hour increments from 00 hrs to +48 hrs unless noted otherwise) |
Bay of Bengal Powerview
Indonesia Powerview
Arabian Gulf Powerview
Arabian Sea Powerview