This page provides links for obtaining satellite images, ERS-2, SSM/I, QuikSCAT and other current weather data across the Indian Ocean. It also has links to custom current weather related tools.
INDOEX images of the Indian Ocean (Dundee Satellite Receiveing Station) Great real-time geostationary satellite images available in all frequencies (Visible, Infrared, Watervapor), various sizes and with or without grid overlays. Requires userid and password, which can be obtained free and fast by just filling out a questionare on the page provided with the link.
Infrared Global Composite (SSEC). A good starting place for current Indian Ocean overview. Small sized, quick download, and has good coverage clear down to Antartica. Other images available here.
North Indian Ocean PC Movies and Static Images (CIMSS SSEC) Great time lapse imagery in either Visible, Infrared or Water Vapor spectrums from METEOSAT focusing mainly on the tropics. No focus on swell generating areas of the South Indian Ocean though.
Indian Ocean ERS-2 Sea Heights 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, 18Z Confirmed sea height readings (in ft) from the JASON/ERS-2/GFO satellite overlayed on FNMOC Wave Models (NPMOC)
00hr Indian Ocean Sea Height and Period (NOAA OMB) This is a good source to verify seas heights within a storm and to observe approaching swell fronts. Seas heights and period/swell fronts are modeled using the Wavewatch III Wave Model driven by the AVN atmopsheric model. (Note: Heights are in meters. Multiply readings times 3.28084 to convert to feet. Data updated 2 times daily).
00hr Indian Ocean Sea Height and Period (Scripps Research Institute) Driven by the Wavewatch III Wave Model and the AVN Atmospheric Model.
TOPEX/POSEIDON Satellite Global Sea Heights (NASA Jet Propulsion Lab). Select "Latest 8 hr Quick Look Images - Significant Sea Heights". This is a good backup to the ERS-2 satellite data (available above). Similar data also available from the Naval Oceanographic Office, but here you can zoom in by global location and select one of 4 satellites (ERS-2, TOPEX, POSEIDON, or GFO).
Oceanweather Inc. 24 hour old ERS-2 global sea height data (not real detailed).
QuikSCAT Winds (OPPT) Total global ocean coverage. The images depict wind speed. Click on any part of the image for a close-up view with wind barbs (speed and direction).
QuikSCAT Winds (NASA) The latest surface wind analysis technology. A great research tool but not operational yet. Images at the top of the page provide a time-lapse view/movie. Navigate down to the bottom of the page to see a more detailed view of the latest data superimposed over an Infrared satellite image
Merged SSM/I and ERS-2 Pacific Ocean Winds (OPPT) This is the official source for confirming wind speeds in open ocean storms. Click on top of individual storms to get up-close view with wind barbs (speed and direction). Data is about 12 hrs old. Backup Link from NESDIS
SSM/I Winds (OPPT) Same as above but no wind barbs
ERS-2 Winds (OPPT) Only displays wind barbs within ERS-2 polar orbit scanning width.