This page provides links for obtaining atmospheric models like the RUC, MM-5, AVN, MRF, NGP that depict forecast weather across the Pacific Ocean. It also has links to custom model tools.
"Next Day MM-5 Local Winds" in 3 hr Increments: +12 hr thru +27 hr Images
from U. of Wash: NW Pacific US View/Surface Winds and Pressure Powerview (Includes: +12hr, +15hr, +18hr, +21hr, +24 hr, +27hr)
More Powetools available from FNMOC (see the big table towards the bottom of this page)
Northern Hemisphere
Mid/Long-term Links
North Pacific GFS Surface Pressure (University of Hawaii) Great detailed full North Pacific Surface Pressure from the GFS Model (0 - 180 hrs and includes animations).
North Pacific GFS Surface Winds (University of Hawaii) Same as above but shows surface winds (actually 1000 mb winds) from the GFS Model (0 - 180 hrs and includes animations).
9 Day Northern Hemisphere MRF (polar view). (Purdue/UNISYS) One image displays each day of the northern hemi 9 day forecast. This is a good long range/quick-look starting place. View 12 hour increments of the forecast using the bar at the top of the page. Select an individual view of any 12 hour period using the grey bar at the top of the page.
GFS (NOAA). READY is not an easy to use tool, but you can build every image to your specifications, one at a time. Provides the quickest/most current model updates too. Use the GFS models.
Local Wind Forecasts (arranged from less to more detailed order)
MM-5 Forecast for Western US Coast (University of Washington) Move down the page to the "36 km Domain". Use the row titled: "SLP, 10 m winds, 925 mb temperature". Just click on any of the forecast hours to the right. Great presentation of surface pressure and winds up to 48 hours in advance. Be sure to select "36k Domain" as the smaller (12km or 4 km) view does not depict the Bay Area.
MM-5 Forecast for anywhere in the US and Mexico (NOAA) READY is not an easy to use tool, but you can build every image to your specifications, one at a time. Provides the quickest/most current model updates too. Use one of the MM-5 models options.
South Pacific AVN Surface Pressure (University of Hawaii) Great detailed full South Pacific Surface Pressure from the AVN Model (0 - 180 hrs and includes animations).
South Pacific AVN Surface Winds (University of Hawaii) Same as above but shows Surface Winds (actually 1000 mb winds) from the AVN Model (0 - 180 hrs and includes animations).
WAFS Surface Pressure for the South Pacific This is a reasonably good presentation of surface pressure and precipitation for the New Zealand region and Southwest Pacific. Only good out to 72 hrs.
North and South Hemisphere
AVN, MRF, and NGP Models (FNMOC) This is a good site with lot's of model links. From a surfing perspective, the Surface Level Pressure (SLP) charts are the best this site has to offer. A Powertool view of all images (normally about 14 images) are provided in the table below by clicking on "SLP". Otherwise, if you want the full list of available options, or want to select one image at a time (if you have dial-up access) select "Others".