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Convert from GMT:
 to timezone:

Time Zone Converter


By popular demand we have constructed a time zone calculator that converts time from GMT/UTC (the time that all meteorological organizations use) to whatever time zone you choose. The converter can be found on the left-hand side of almost every page in the site right below the links to other tools and the icon to add Stormsurf Buoy Forecasts to your Google homepage.

Usage: On the right of the first drop down menu just click the 'down arrow' button then click the time you want to convert from. Next click the 'down arrow' button from second box and click on the time zone you want to convert to. The new time will display in the third box.

Here's the information for each available time zone:

Timezone Abbreviation
Time Zone Name
GMT Offset (hrs)
IDLE/NZST International Date Line East/ New Zealand Standard Time +12
AEDT Eastern Australian Daylight Time +11
GST/AEST Guam Standard Time/Eastern Australian Standard Time +10
JST/ADWT Japan Standard Time/XXX +9
CCT/AWST China Coast Time/Australian Western Standard Time +8
WAS/CXT Western Australian Standard Time/Christmas Island Time +7
MSD Moscow Time +6
BT/MSK Baghdad Time/Moscow Summer Time +3
EET/CEST Eastern European Time/Central European Summer Time +2
CET/SWT Central European Time/Swedish Winter Time +1
GMT/UTC Greenwich Mean Time/ UCT [or UTC] Universal Coordinated Time 0
WAT West African Time -1
AT Atlantic Time -2
ADT Atlantic Daylight Time -3
AST/EDT Atlantic Standard Time/Eastern Daylight Time -4
EST/CDT Eastern Standard Time/Central Daylight Time -5
CST/MDT Central Standard Time/Mountain Daylight Time -6
MST/PDT Mountain Standard Time/Pacific Daylight Time -7
PST/YDT Pacific Standard Time/Yukon Daylight -8
YST/HADT Yukon Standard Time/Hawaiian Daylight Time -9
AHST/HAST Alaska Hawaii Standard Time/Hawaiian Standard Time -10
NT Nome (Alaska) Time -11
IDLW International Date Line West -12



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